Modelling finite deformation and progressive failure of hyperelastic solid with implicit BA-NOSB-PD

Available on August 2, 2024 (click here)

Background: Deformation and failure in hyperelastic materials exhibit unique characteristics that are absent in purely elastic materials. The presence of pre-existing cracks and holes further increases these complications. In this work, we developed an implicit hyperelastic non-ordinary state-based peridynamics (NOSB-PD) to analyse finite deformation and damage under quasistatic conditions.


  • A hyperelastic non-ordinary state-based peridynamics (NOSB-PD) is proposed.
  • A bond-associated (BA) scheme is integrated into the hyperelastic NOSB-PD to improve numerical stability in calculating deformation gradient.
  • An implicit scheme is developed to discretize the BA-NOSB-PD equations, enabling damage simulation under quasi-static conditions.
  • Effects of crack patterns, loading conditions, and material properties on damage evolution are thoroughly analysed.